BlogSpot - December 13th, 2013
The context: an urgent need for action With increasing division and fragmentation, policy action is urgently needed. Joseph Stiglitz, in...

BlogSpot - December 6th, 2013
Same themes dragging on… Banking union and credit crunch A complete banking union continues to be called for. ECB Vice President Vítor...

BlogSpot - December 2nd, 2013
The importance of politics in Europe A “Coalition Contract” was reached in Germany between the CDU/CSU and the SPD (see Handelsblatt)....

BlogSpot - November 22nd, 2013
Growth heading towards secular stagnation… The OECD revised its global growth outlook—predicting a slow recovery, with headwinds from...

BlogSpot - November 15th, 2013
Ask again: is the Eurozone crisis over? This week brought some reasons to be cheerful in the eurozone. As noted in EuroIntelligence,...

BlogSpot - November 12th, 2013
Is Germany harming of serving the world economy? In a series of columns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Paul Krugman launched a debate about the...

BlogSpot - November 1st, 2013
Future of the monetary policy and the financial stability raises concerns Demand support through monetary policy and its discontent......

BlogSpot - October 25th, 2013
Europe still struggles to find the right path into recovery Scenarios for future eurozone growth are slowly improving. In a comprehensive...

BlogSpot - October 18th, 2013
IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings The Annual Meeting of the IMF and the World Bank focused on Europe’s current economic and financial...

BlogSpot - October 4th, 2013
The politics, the politics… Unicredit, in an analytical note, stress the importance of politics in the current environment—with the US...