Debates within Europe
Governments’ Deficit and Debt: Who’s Right? Moving towards permanent primary surpluses—the UK case. George Osborne plans to enshrine...

Repeated "last chance." Pressure is mounting on reaching an agreement for the Greek bailout plan, after the country announced it would...

Global easing – Global risks? Which consequences from loose monetary policy ?
Inflation: NO. Financial data point to lowflation and secular stagnation. For William R. Cline‘s (Peterson Institute), the increase in...

Brexit takes center-stage Cameron’s run for a second term, what’s next? After the landslide victory of the British Conservatives for the...

BlogSpot - Much Grexit(ment) and high uncertainty
Current state of negotiations—Reports (see EuroIntelligence) suggests that there is little or no progress in talks with the Brussels...

Thematic Blogspot - Digital Currencies : Risks and Opportunities
Introduction Virtual currencies (VCs), i.e., decentralized and electronic currencies, have an increasing role as a new way to transact...

BlogSpot - The economic outlook: Brighter tomorrow, mediocre the day after
The IMF released its World Economic Outlook (and chapters 3 and 4 on private investment and potential output), with a gloomy picture for...

Thematic blogspot—Global Governance: the importance of regionalism
As economies are (slowly) exiting from the global financial crisis, a re-assessment of the role of international institutions is taking...

BlogSpot - Capital outflows and regional imbalances
Good news (continued), or not such good news? Advanced indictors are providing supporting evidence of a stronger recovery in the euro...

The European Integration
The EU was created post-World War II with the idea that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so...